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ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

This guide provides information on the PQDTG Database.

Instructions for uploading ETDs through Canvas

All electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) are submitted to the SPH Library through the following Canvas course: SPH Library and Learning Commons. Students must complete, in order, all the steps listed in the Theses and Dissertations module of this courseStudents are encouraged to read all materials in this module because they will answer most of the questions that commonly emerge during the submission process.


Order of resources in the Theses and Dissertations module: 


  1. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global LibGuide
    • That's this LibGuide! Read through this guide in its entirety. You cannot move through the Theses and Dissertations module without completing these steps in order. You can login to the Canvas Course here
  2. Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Checklist / Template 
    • Format your thesis or dissertation according to the instructions provided in the Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Checklist / Template. The formatting template, which is available in two versions (one with journal articles and one without journal articles), has predefined styles for headings, subheadings, etc., as well as detailed instructions for margins, font, etc. If you have questions or need help using the formatting template, contact Writing Support Services.
    • YOU are responsible for the final product of your research. Ensure that the thesis or dissertation you submit follows the formatting checklist and has been converted into a PDF. See instructions here. 
  3. FAQ for the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Submission Form 
    • THIS FORM MUST BE READ IN ITS ENTIRETY. It has been created to explain each section of the ETD Submission Form. Items such as ownership rights, embargoes, publishing options, etc., are described in this FAQ. It will help you complete the ETD Submission Form. 
  4. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Submission Form 
    • You must submit this form before you upload an electronic copy of your thesis or dissertation. If you do not complete this form, the SPH Library will not send your electronic submission to ProQuest Digital Publishing.
    • You have the option of selecting between two publishing options: Traditional publishing through ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global; or Open Access Publishing through the Digital Commons at the TMC Library. You can learn more here about Open Access publishing through the TMC Library's Digital Commons. 
  5. Upload an Electronic Copy of Your Thesis or Dissertation 
    1. This is where you upload an electronic copy of your thesis or dissertation for review and submission to ProQuest Digital Publishing.
    2. YOU are responsible for the formatting of the copy you submit to the library. What you submit to the library is what will be uploaded to PQD&TG. 

Important Note

You have access to Canvas for 90 days after your official graduation date. This means you have 90 days to complete the Canvas Module Theses and Dissertations and submit your thesis or dissertation to the SPH Library to upload into ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. 

ProQuest - Author Dissertations FAQs

Many of the questions authors of dissertations and theses may have, can be answered by the ProQuest - Author Dissertations FAQs page that can be accessed with the link below.