Important! Please Contact Us Before Submitting Materials to a Publisher!
While we strive to keep these LibGuides up-to-date, publisher agreements are constantly evolving. To ensure you have the most accurate information, please contact your library before submitting any materials to a publisher.
Do publishers automatically waive/discount Article Processing Charges (APCs) for TMC Library-affiliated authors, based on institutional email address, or is an additional process required?
Each of our participating publishers has unique instructions and workflows for submitting articles, confirming eligibility and granting fee waivers or discounts. Some do require additional steps be taken before the benefit is granted.
How does the TMC Library choose which publisher programs they will participate in?
The TMC Library will participate in publisher licenses that are affordable, and offer predictable, sustainable costs. In addition, publisher programs with author benefits must be made available to all our academic institutions with remote access. Unless the program meets these criteria, the Library cannot participate.
Does the TMC Library have a list of all their subscribed journals that offer waived or discounted APCs?
Because publisher title lists can change over time, the TMC Library does not keep a curated list of all journal titles that provide waived or discounted APCs. Authors should consider reaching out directly to publishers for information about specific titles.
The Publications Division of the ACS shall provide to its members and the worldwide scientific community a comprehensive collection, in any medium, of high-quality information products and services that advance the practice of the chemical and related sciences and shall generate, in the aggregate, an annual net contribution from operations to support the Society's overall mission of advancing the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people.
Discounted Publishing Model
Authors currently with a TMC Library academic institution are eligible to receive a $250 ACS affiliation discount. The affiliation discount will be automatically applied to the order, if applicable. To redeem the membership discount, the American Chemical Society (ACS) Member ID -- 30031719 -- will need to be entered into the appropriate field on the "Apply Discounts" screen during the ordering process. Please note, an additional charge of $1,000 will apply if a CC-BY license is required.
Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society. Founded in 1932, Annual Reviews provides researchers, professors, and scientific professionals with a definitive academic resource in 51 scientific disciplines.
Subscribe to Open (S2O) Publishing Model
Funded publishing for Open Access under a CC BY License. As long as an AR journal is successfully funded under S2O, the author's articles will be published OA under CC BY license upon that journal's official date of publication. Authors are also informed of this process upon submission of their article for review. The TMC Library has a current subscription with AR under this model.
These are case reports that focus on the causes of ill health, the social determinants of health and access to healthcare services, prevailing local and national issues that affect health and well being, and the challenges in providing care to vulnerable populations or with limited resources.
Open Access Publishing Model
TMC Library subscription provides a fellowship benefit that allows affiliated authors to publish in BMJ Case Reports at no cost, once the author submission is approved by BMJ editorial team.
Use Fellowship Code: 200870
Helpful Resources
Elsevier and Texas Library Coalition for United Action (TLCUA) have established an agreement to support authors who wish to publish open access.The cost of publishing open access is reduced under the terms of this agreement. Eligible corresponding authors receive a discount on the article publishing charge (APC).
Discounted Publishing Model
Overview of the TLCUA-Elsevier agreement:
How to use this agreement:
Approval: Once the author clicks on order and pay:
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a peer reviewed journal of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), is an authoritative source of high-impact, original research that broadly spans the biological, physical, and social sciences.
Discounted Publishing Model
Helpful Resources
For more information, visit PNAS Publication Fees and Charges
For over a decade, Sage has played an active role in Open Access, seeking to build bridges to knowledge in the research community. From extensive author services to our flexible OA publishing routes, Sage is here to empower researchers, librarians, and readers. In an ever-changing landscape, we strive to offer sustainable open research, which is accessible to all.
Hybrid Publishing Model
To be eligible, articles must:
Eligible journals:
"Where do I begin?"