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Search Filters for Various Databases

This resource has search filters for different study types organized by interface and database. Make sure you choose the correct one! For example, you can't use the Ovid Medline interface to search PubMed!

Ovid PsycINFO

To use the filter, run your search in Ovid PsycINFO and then copy and paste the text from the search.  Add it to the last line of your search strategy.

If you are trying to locate prior systematic reviews: If you don't find anything when you use the SR filter, consider removing a concept from your search strategy, i.e. make it broader.  In the SR search example. line 13 shows the search for elderly, breast cancer, and hormone antagonists with the SR filter.  Line 14 shows breast cancer and hormone antagonists with the SR filter. Notice the number goes from 108 citations returned to over 440 citations returned.  Scan through the titles, see if there's anything important that you need to review before you go any further with your own systematic review project.

  • Case-control studies (updated 11/30/2012)
    ((case* adj5 control*) or (case adj3 comparison*) or case-comparison or control group*).ti,ab,id. not "Literature Review".md.
  • Cohort studies
    (cohort or longitudinal or prospective or retrospective).ti,ab,id. or longitudinal or prospective or retrospective not "Literature Review".md.
  • Cross sectional studies (updated 11/30/2012)
    (cross section* or "prevalence study").ti,ab,id. 
    • Many authors do not indicate that their study is a cross-sectional in either the title or abstract, nor are the articles marked with the appropriate MeSH terms. This search will locate only those that have been identified appropriately by the author.
  • Clinical trials (1/26/2011)
    clinical trials/ or "treatment outcome clinical trial".md. or ((randomi?ed adj7 trial*) or ((single or doubl* or tripl* or treb*) and (blind* or mask*)) or (controlled adj3 trial*) or (clinical adj2 trial*)).ti,ab,id.
  • Epidemiological studies (general search, may catch additional case-controls or cohorts)
  • Qualitative studies (1/26/2011)
    ((("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or "in-depth" or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide or guides) adj3 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)).ti,ab,id. or (focus group* or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant")).ti,ab,id. or exp qualitative research/ or exp interviews/ or exp group discussion/ or qualitative not "Literature Review".md.
  • Systematic reviews and meta-analyses (8/8/2014)
    (((comprehensive* or integrative or systematic*) adj3 (bibliographic* or review* or literature)) or (meta-analy* or metaanaly* or "research synthesis" or ((information or data) adj3 synthesis) or (data adj2 extract*))).ti,ab,id. or ((review adj5 (rationale or evidence)).ti,ab,id. and "Literature Review".md.) or (cinahl or (cochrane adj3 trial*) or embase or medline or psyclit or pubmed or scopus or "sociological abstracts" or "web of science").ab. or ("systematic review" or "meta analysis").md.
  • Test or instrument construction/validity/reliability (9/16/2015)
    Review the list of terms below.  You may want to copy the search and put it in NotePad or Word to remove items.
    "content analysis (test)"/ or "difficulty level (test)"/ or "item analysis (test)"/ or "item content (test)"/ or "profiles (measurement)"/ or attitude measurement/ or body sway testing/ or comprehension tests/ or creativity measurement/ or criterion referenced tests/ or cultural test bias/ or digit span testing/ or employment tests/ or exp achievement measures/ or exp aptitude measures/ or exp attitude measures/ or exp intelligence measures/ or exp inventories/ or exp occupational interest measures/ or exp perceptual measures/ or exp personality measures/ or exp preference measures/ or exp psychiatric evaluation/ or exp psychological assessment/ or exp questionnaires/ or exp rating scales/ or exp reading measures/ or exp retention measures/ or group testing/ or individual testing/ or measurement/ or multidimensional scaling/ or needs assessment/ or pain measurement/ or performance tests/ or posttesting/ or pretesting/ or professional examinations/ or projective testing technique/ or psychometrics/ or response bias/ or test bias/ or test construction/ or test forms/ or test items/ or test reliability/ or test standardization/ or test validity/ or exp screening/ or exp screening tests/ or exp selection tests/ or sensorimotor measures/ or sociometric tests/ or "speech and hearing measures"/ or standardized tests/ or exp statistical measurement/ or subtests/ or exp surveys/ or symptom checklists/ or exp testing/ or verbal tests/ or "22".cc. or ((testing or test or questionnaire* or instrument* or survey* or measurement* or assessment* or scale or scales) and (validation or validity or reliability or internal consistency or psychometric*)).ti,ab,id.
    • Locate instruments included in articles and books (9/16/2015): "content analysis (test)"/ or "difficulty level (test)"/ or "item analysis (test)"/ or "item content (test)"/ or "profiles (measurement)"/ or attitude measurement/ or body sway testing/ or comprehension tests/ or creativity measurement/ or criterion referenced tests/ or cultural test bias/ or digit span testing/ or employment tests/ or exp achievement measures/ or exp aptitude measures/ or exp attitude measures/ or exp intelligence measures/ or exp inventories/ or exp occupational interest measures/ or exp perceptual measures/ or exp personality measures/ or exp preference measures/ or exp psychiatric evaluation/ or exp psychological assessment/ or exp questionnaires/ or exp rating scales/ or exp reading measures/ or exp retention measures/ or group testing/ or individual testing/ or measurement/ or multidimensional scaling/ or needs assessment/ or pain measurement/ or performance tests/ or posttesting/ or pretesting/ or professional examinations/ or projective testing technique/ or psychometrics/ or response bias/ or test bias/ or test construction/ or test forms/ or test items/ or test reliability/ or test standardization/ or test validity/ or exp screening/ or exp screening tests/ or exp selection tests/ or sensorimotor measures/ or sociometric tests/ or "speech and hearing measures"/ or standardized tests/ or exp statistical measurement/ or subtests/ or exp surveys/ or symptom checklists/ or exp testing/ or verbal tests/ or "22".cc. or ((testing or test or questionnaire* or instrument* or survey* or measurement* or assessment* or scale or scales) and (validation or validity or reliability or internal consistency or psychometric*)).ti,ab,id. and appended.ab.
  • Program evaluation (revised 5/2/2013)
    (program evaluation/ or educational program evaluation/ or mental health program evaluation/) or ((program development/ or educational program planning/) and (Evaluation Criteria/ or evaluation/ or clinical audits/ or course evaluation/ or forensic evaluation/ or geriatric assessment/ or needs assessment/ or peer evaluation/ or psychiatric evaluation/ or risk assessment/ or self evaluation/ or treatment effectiveness evaluation/ or vocational evaluation/ or personnel evaluation/ or occupational success prediction/ or teacher effectiveness evaluation/)) or ((pre- adj5 post-) or (pretest adj5 posttest) or (program* adj6 evaluat*)).ti,ab,id. or (intervention  or effectiveness).ti,ab,id.

Here are some additional searches based on research methodology you can use in PsycINFO. These do not provide 100% coverage of a particular type of methodology! But they can get you started.

Clinical Case
Nonclinical Case

See examples on using the Ovid PsycINFO filters