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Quantitative & Biostatistical Tutoring Services: Biostatistics

What is Biostatistics?

Biostatistics is the use of statistics applied to the collection, analysis, and interpretation of biological data especially data relating to human biology, health, and medicine.  This guide focuses on information and links to resources on the topic of Biostatistics to support UT-Health School of Public Health students, faculty, and staff. 




Mapping Software


The UTHealth SPH Library has access to the following statistical journals:

American Statistician: accessible through JSTOR  or Taylor and Francis

Applied Statistics: accessible through JSTOR or Wiley- Blackwell Full Collection

Biometrical Journal: accessible through Wiley-Blackwell Full Collection

Biometrics: accessible through JSTOR or Wiley-Blackwell Full Collection

Biostatistics: accessible through Oxford

Computational Statistics & Data Analysis: accessible through Science Direct 

Journal of nonparametric statistics: accessible through Taylor and Francis

Lifetime data analysis: accessible through Springerlink

Statistical methods in medical research: accessible through Sage