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RefWorks is a web-based tool that helps you manage your references.

Manually Adding Citations

Some online resources do not offer the ability to directly export search results into RefWorks. Here is tutorial on how to manually add a citation.

A Note on Adding Bibliographic References Manually

Capture as much information as possible whenever adding citations to RefWorks manually. Know what information must be in the reference for the bibliography. For example if the citation style required is APA seventh edition and a/the citation was created manually, the following information would be required:

  • Author
  • Year of article
  • Title of article
  • Title of journal 
  • Journal volume, issue, and page numbers
  • URL/doi (if applicable)

Citation Formats

Not all citation data may be properly imported initially into RefWorks. The autoformatting in RefWorks may miscalculate the reference. Users should review citations and know whether they need to be manually edited according to the desired citation format. 

Purdue Owl is one of the leading resources for learning citation formats. To access their resources go here