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SPH Writing Support Services

Getting started with SPH Writing Support Services

Online Tutorial of Effective Writing Practices

To refresh, review, and test your knowledge of academic writing, complete this self-paced tutorial that covers the topics of grammar, punctuation, organization, and style, and allows you to test your knowledge of each topic. Completing this tutorial is for your benefit; neither user data nor quiz scores are collected.

Academic Writing

Scientific Writing

Grant Writing


Springer, the world-renown publisher of more than 2,900 journals and 200,000 books, has developed several author & editor e-tutorials that provide advice and learning materials to help prospective authors and reviewers "write, submit, and publish your manuscript; become a peer reviewer; and learn about open access."

The American Chemical Society (ACS) produced this video series to help authors and reviewers understand the manuscript submission process; it includes interviews with authors and editors of ACS journals who provide insights and answers from their own perspectives and their journals' perspectives.