Additional reports and data can be found in:
Expenditures by Districts & Counties (Texas Department of Transportation; County level data;current)
Includes daily vehicle miles, combined construction/maintenance figures, highway construction projects percent costing less and percent costing more than contract award, and more.
Commuting to Work (US Census Bureau; county, MSA, and State level data; Approximately 10 years ago to current)
County-to-County Workflow Reports (Missouri Census Data Center; county, MSA, and State level data; 2000)
Provides PDF and HTML reports of county-to-county commuting.
Travel Time to Work (Federal Highway Administration (USDOT);MSA level data; 2000 with some historical)
How long does it take you to get to work? Do you live in or around Austin, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Houston, or San Antonio? If so, you can compare your commute time with others. The report shows: areas that have a greater than average increase in commute time (1990 to 2000); mean travel time to work (1990 to 2000); Percent distribution of workers who did not work at home by travel time to work (1980-2000); and departure time to work (1990 to 2000).
Annual Urban Mobility Report (Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M; selected cities; current)
The report provides information on long-term congestion trends, the most recent congestion comparisons and a description of many congestion improvement strategies.