This symbol indicates that the resource provides data only for Texas.
If there is no symbol, the resource provides data for all US states including Texas.
Texas Health Data – Trauma
Provider: Texas Department of State Health Services
Years available: 2014
Geographic Level: County level.
Texas Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics
Provider: Texas Department of Transportation
Years available: 2003 to 2015
Geographic Level: County and State
Note: To view, right click on a report, then Open in a new window.
State Traffic Safety Information
Provider: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Years available: 2006 to 2015
Geographic Level: State
WISQARS- Web-based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System
Provider: National Center for Injury Prevention & Control
Years Available: 2001-2014
Geographic level: county level data
See also Mortality Links for interactive sites to create tables by sex, race/ethnicity, age, and geography.
Texas Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics
Provider: Texas Department of Transportation
Years available: 2003 to 2015
Geographic Level: County and State
Note: To view, right click on a report, then Open in a new window.
This site has multiple reports on accidents throughout Texas, including accidents involving DUI.
FARS - Fatality Analysis Reporting System
Provider: US Department of Transportation
Years available: 1994 to 2014
Geographic Level: State
The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) gathers data on the most severe traffic crashes that occur each year -- those that result in loss of human life.
WISQARS- Web-based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System
Provider: National Center for Injury Prevention & Control
Years Available: 2008-2014
Geographic level: county level data
Create maps of the state showing each county's ranking in comparison with US data. Includes mortality by: drowning, homicide, firearms, falls, poisoning, suicide, traumatic brain injury, motor vehicle accidents, and fire.
Last Updated: 12/01/23