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CHARTing Health Information

This LibGuide has been designed to provide a comprehensive collection of links to publicly available health and health determinants data. While the emphasis is on the state of Texas, there are links to sites that cover all of the U.S.


This symbol indicates that the resource provides data only for Texas.

If there is no symbol, the resource provides data for all US states including Texas.

Incidence/Prevalence Data

Texas Health Data  Trauma
Provider: Texas Department of State Health Services
Years available: 2014
Geographic Level: County level.

Texas Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics
Provider: Texas Department of Transportation
Years available: 2003 to 2015
Geographic Level: County and State
Note: To view, right click on a report, then Open in a new window.

State Traffic Safety Information 
Provider: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Years available: 2006 to 2015
Geographic Level: State

WISQARS- Web-based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System
Provider: National Center for Injury Prevention & Control
Years Available: 2001-2014
Geographic level: county level data

Mortality Data

See also Mortality Links for interactive sites to create tables by sex, race/ethnicity, age, and geography.

Texas Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics
Provider: Texas Department of Transportation
Years available: 2003 to 2015
Geographic Level: County and State
Note: To view, right click on a report, then Open in a new window.
This site has multiple reports on accidents throughout Texas, including accidents involving DUI.

FARS - Fatality Analysis Reporting System 
Provider: US Department of Transportation
Years available: 1994 to 2014
Geographic Level: State
The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) gathers data on the most severe traffic crashes that occur each year -- those that result in loss of human life.

WISQARS- Web-based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System
Provider: National Center for Injury Prevention & Control
Years Available: 2008-2014
Geographic level: county level data

Create maps of the state showing each county's ranking in comparison with US data. Includes mortality by: drowning, homicide, firearms, falls, poisoning, suicide, traumatic brain injury, motor vehicle accidents, and fire. 

Last Updated: 12/01/23